All new product entitled for 10% cashback if you purchase and remark NEW10CB within a week from listed.
Update: 27th Sep 2021
- Listed new tarantulas:
Thrixopelma cyaneolum (Cobalt red rump tarantula)
Bonnetina papalutlensis (Papalutla tarantula)
Pseudhapalopus sp blue (Colombian blue bottle tarantula)
Update: 21st Sep 2021
- Listed new scorpions:
Hadrurus arizonensis (Giant desert hairy scorpion)
Parabuthus villosus 'Typical' (Typical hairy thick-tailed scorpion)
Parabuthus villosus 'Black' (Black hairy thick-tailed scorpion)
Parabuthus villosus 'Orange' (Orange hairy thick-tailed scorpion) - Listed new spider:
Peucetia viridans (Green lynx spider)
Update: 18th Sep 2021
- Label all Protected species as NFS product.
- Update LD50 for some scorpions.
- Update adult size for some scorpions.
- Update CITES label in description
- New shortcut link to check protected species at bottom of main page.
Update: 11th Sep 2021
- Listed new scorpion:
Hottentotta franzwerneri (Yellow-legged alligator back scorpion) - Listed new Other invertebrates:
Damon diadema (Tanzanian giant tailless whip scorpion)
Charon sp. negros (Negros Ferryman tailless whip scorpion) (Amblypygid) (Whip spider) (sus. Charon grayi)
Update: 3rd Sep 2021
- Listed new scorpion:
Tityus stigmurus (Brazilian scorpion)
Update: 1st Sep 2021
- Listed new Aquatic creature:
Ambystoma mexicanum (Axolotl) (Paedomorphic salamander)
Update: 29th AUG 2021
- Listed new tarantulas:
Xenesthis immanis 'Black Fire' (Colombian black fire lesserblack tarantula)
Xenesthis intermedia (Amazon blue bloom tarantula)
Xenesthis sp. Bright (Colombian lesserblack tarantula)
Xenesthis sp. White (Colombian lesserwhite tarantula)
Xenesthis sp. Tenebris (Colombian lesserblack tarantula) (sus. Xenesthis monstrosa)
Orphnaecus philippinus (Philippine tangerine tarantula) (aka Philippine orange / Neon orange)
Update: 28th AUG 2021
- Listed new Other invertebrates:
Myrmeleon Linnaeus (Antlion larvae)
Dinorhax rostrumpsittaci (Vietnamese red solifugae) (Vietnamese red sun spider) (Vietnamese red camel spider) (Vietnamese wind scorpion)
Galeodes caspius (Central Asian solifuge) (Asian sun spider) (Asian camel spider) (Asian wind scorpion)
Update: 15th AUG 2021
- Listed new tarantulas:
Sahydroaraneus raja (Indian blue dwarf tarantula)
Haploclastus devamatha (Poly-chromatic earth tiger tarantula) (ex. Thrigmopoeus psychedelicus) - Listed new spider:
Sicarius thomisoides (Chilean six-eyed sand spider) (syn. Sicarius terrosus)
Myrmeleon Linnaeus (Antlion larvae)
Update: 12th AUG 2021
- Listed new spider:
Parasteatoda sp. (Malaysian false widow spider) (sus. Parasteatoda mundula)
Update: 12th AUG 2021
- Listed new tarantula:
Xenesthis immanis (Colombian lesserblack tarantula)
Update: 11th AUG 2021
- Listed new tarantula:
Chilobrachys sp. "Electric Blue" (Thailand Electric blue tarantula)
Xenesthis immanis (Colombian lesserblack tarantula)
Update: 10th AUG 2021
- Listed new tarantula:
Neischnocolus sp. Panama (Gold banded sunburst dwarf tarantula) (Ami sp. Panama)
Update: 9th AUG 2021
- Listed new tarantulas:
Heterothele gabonensis (Gabon blue dwarf baboon tarantula) (ex. Diplura longipalpis)
Holothele longipes (Trinidad dwarf pink tarantula) (ex. Holothele sanguiniceps / ludwigi)
Update: 1st Aug 2021
- Listed new tarantula:
Lasiodora klugi (Bahia scarlet tarantula) - Listed new tadpole shrimps:
Triops longicaudatus (American tadpole shrimp)
Triops 'red' longicaudatus (Albino longtail tadpole shrimp)
Update: 24th JUL 2021
- Listed new tarantulas:
Nhandu coloratovillosus (Brazilian black and white tarantula) (ex. Brazilopelma coloratovillosum)
Nhandu chromatus (Brazilian red and white tarantula)
Update: 17th JUL 2021
- Listed new scorpions:
Parabuthus liosoma (African black tail scorpion)
Parabuthus schlechteri (Burrowing thick-tailed scorpion)
Update: 14th JUL 2021
- Listed new tarantula:
Typhochlaena seladonia (Brazilian jewel tarantula)
Update: 13rd JUL 2021
- Listed new tarantula:
Harpactira pulchripes (Golden blue-legged baboon tarantula)
Update: 8th JUL 2021
- Listed new tarantula:
Acanthoscurria geniculata (Brazilian whiteknee tarantula) - Listed new scorpions:
Parabuthus transvaalicus (Black spitting thick-tailed scorpion)
Parabuthus granulatus (Granulated thick-tailed scorpion)
Parabuthus raudus (Rough thick-tailed scorpion)
Update: 3rd JUL 2021
- Listed new scorpions:
Leiurus jordanensis (Jordan black deathstalker scorpion)
Leiurus haenggii (Arabian bicolor deathstalker scorpion)
Acanthoscurria geniculata (Brazilian whiteknee tarantula)
Update: 2nd JUL 2021
- Listed new scorpions:
Centruroides gracilis (Florida bark scorpion)
Euscorpiops vachoni (Vietnamese flat rock scorpion)
Hadogenes paucidens (Banded flat rock scorpion)