Dear hunters,
We, the Scorpo Hunter family are writing this with the deepest regret to inform you that 31st August will be the last day of our business in 2022. After this date, ScorpoHunter, will not be active for a year as we have decided to take a break for a year.
Opening this company in 2017 first, we had many dreams and goals with no. 1 being the ultimate satisfaction of our customers. To achieve this, all the employees working along with me gave our best shot every day, where we took the greatest care to fulfill all the needs of our customers and for this, every possible effort was taken.
For 5 years, we enjoyed an unbelievable rate of success, all thanks to our valuable customers and their faith in us, but now we had to take the decision to take a break due to some personal reasons, it is not getting possible for me to continue. We are a bit stressed in personal life and because of that we even suffered some losses in business lately.
So, to save the business from going downhill, and to prevent staining the reputation of the company, we had no other choice but to take this unfortunate decision.
All thanks to our loyal customers and our lovely team, we were able to come so far. We will never forget the amount of support we received. All pending order will be fulfilled or offer a better off substitution. All new order that customer has paid will be deemed as willing to wait for the resuming of business.
(WhatsApp us: 60129196022)
We would like to apologize for this inconvenience caused, nonetheless.
The ScorpoHunter team.