Quantity: 3~10 units
Possibilities: Any species within the price range of the box in purchase.
(e.g. RM 150 box could consist of any species worth from RM 0 ~ RM 150)
- Mystery Box are not applicable for LAG.
- All specimen within a pack will not repeat in our best effort.
- Lesser Quantity indicating higher value specimen included
- Above listing are for referencing purpose, species listed above are included but not limit to.
- Scorpo Hunter reserves the right not to disclose the species selected.
- Promotion availability is based on first come first-served, while stocks last basis.
- Scorpo Hunter reserves the right to change the terms & conditions without prior notice.
FB: fb.me/ScorpoHunter
IG: Scorpo Hunter
Online Store: https://scorpohunter.com/
Shopee: Scorpo Hunter
We will list new product on weekly basis.
All transaction gains are fundraising for collection expansion purposes.