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Galeodes caspius (Central Asian solifuge) (Asian sun spider) (Asian camel spider) (Asian wind scorpion)

RM 500.00
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CTTO Mikhei Kasradze  

Galeodes is a genus of solifuges or sun spiders. The nearly 200 species in this genus are found in northern Africa, southeastern Europe and Asia. Like other solifuges, they are mainly nocturnal and found in arid habitats. They often have long hairy appendages and are not as stout bodied or dark and contrastingly coloured as some other solifuges.

Some Galeodes species are able to produce sounds by stridulation. These are usually raspy or hiss-like and may be imitations of the sounds of vipers, to serve a defensive function. As in other solifuges, mating involves the male depositing a spermatogonia that is manipulated into the female genital opening using their chelicera. The male strokes the female using the palps allowing her to be approached. Females will often feed on males before or after mating. The female then deposits the eggs in a burrow in soil and in some species guards them

Solifuges were active only during summer months. At other times, they were found in burrows located in sandy soils on southeast facing slopes. They were strictly nocturnal in their activity patterns. Small specimens (juveniles) were observed to forage only in the bush using a “sit-and-wait” strategy, while large specimens (subadults and adults) foraged actively only upon the ground. Their prey included various insects including Trichoptera, Coleoptera, and Ensifera. Mating behavior appeared aggressive as several females consumed males either before or after copulation. The mating is described in detail. After mating, females deposited eggs in a burrow and guarded them, presumably until hatching.

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