The Asian forest scorpion is a common name for most of the Heterometrus so in asia. Their native habitat ranges from India to Malaysia. It is a large, stocky, heavy, black scorpion that may grow up to five inches in length.
They primarily live on the surface under rocks and logs, but do occasionally burrow. They look very much like emperor scorpions and are sometimes mistakenly sold as such in pet stores.
The forest scorpion is more aggressive than the emperor scorpion. They can be kept in groups, but it is not recommended due to their aggressive nature. They will assume all defensive posture more easily and are more likely to protect themselves with their pincers.
The venom from an Asian forest scorpion’s sting is mild. They are a very common scorpion kept as a pet.
Scorpions usually sell by instar, a developmental stage between each moult.
However for pricing convenience, this is a personal GENERAL guideline.
- Scorpling: i2 to i3
- Juvenile: i3 to i4
- Sub-adult: i4 to i5
- Adult: i5 and above
- Price above are website exclusive only.
- Dwarf / Tiny / Arboreal species are not entitled for LAG in sling and juvie stages.
- Fragile species are not entitled for LAG in all stages.
- Female in all sizes are charged double of listed price.
- All specimen availability is based on first come first-served, while stocks last basis.
- #OOS: Out of Stock
- #NFS: Not for Sale
- #PRE: Pre-Order
- Disclaimer: Photos are for identification and study purposes only.
- Scorpo Hunter reserves the right to change the pricing, terms & conditions without prior notice.
IG: Scorpo Hunter
Online Store:
Shopee: Scorpo Hunter
We will list new product on weekly basis.
All transaction gains are fundraising for collection expansion purposes.
IG: Scorpo Hunter
Online Store:
Shopee: Scorpo Hunter
We will list new product on weekly basis.
All transaction gains are fundraising for collection expansion purposes.